Foreign Line Crossing

Manage Foreign Line Crossing Activities with Irth Solutions

Our Foreign Line Crossing app is a public portal for internal teams and/or third parties to submit information and manage crossings to ensure efficiency, safety and asset protection.

The Foreign Line Crossing app makes it simple for teams to submit crossing approval and access necessary documents to make the right decisions for asset protection. Regardless of the crossing complexity, it syncs documents and data with your system of record and enables your team to add context whenever needed.

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The Foreign Line Crossing app improves:


Easy access to real-time data and documentation for quick decision-making. 


Whether it’s just field crossing documentation or a more formal crossing process, create flexible workflows to meet a variety of use cases in the field.


Combine all of your crossing documentation and processes into one system for simplicity and ease of use.

Data Accessibility

Create a standard documentation process for all your crossings to ensure that the right information is available when you need it.


Simplify your crossings to ensure third parties can clearly understand the process and expectations.

Assisted by real-time data that is centralized and easy to access, multiple teams can coordinate and execute foreign line crossings with more accuracy, efficiency and ease.

Request a demo today to see how our Foreign Line Crossing app can help you manage crossings to prevent damage.

Irth's market-leading SaaS platform improves resilience and reduces risk in the sustainable delivery of essential services that millions of people and businesses rely on every day. Energy, utility, and telecom companies across the U.S. and Canada trust Irth for damage prevention, training, asset inspections, and land management solutions. Powered by business intelligence, analytics, and geospatial data, our platform helps deliver the 360-degree situational awareness needed to proactively mitigate and manage risk of critical network infrastructure in a changing environment. Irth has been the top provider for 811 (one call) ticket management and utility locating software since 1995.

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